Although it has been done before, we are tryin
g it out for ourselves, with the ultimate goal of attaching a high end SLR camera to a radio controlled aircraft. So far we have successfully gotten low res images with a Motorola Droid using an Android app called IP Camera, wh
ich allows you to view the camera live over a wifi network and take up to 5 MP images thro
ugh the browser. unfortunately, the slow shutter speed of the camera, and grainy image results has left us looking for better alternatives, especially for video.
This page will show you some of the ideas we have come up with, as well as our progress in assembling this project into a working system.
The early designs:

It all starts with a broken computer (particularly the HP M490 Media Center, the biggest lemon of its time), and some guesstimations on how to cut it up (the black sharpie lines)

Believe it or not, this is part of the same piece of metal bent into 90 degree shapes with servos and spur gear added.

Next, another piece of metal is formed to hold a servo up to the rotary gear, along with a gear of its own to create a roatational point for this camera mount